Creating Flutter app in Android studio

  1. Open Android studio
  2. Configure - AVD Manager - Create Virtual Device…
  3. Select hardware - Next - Select System Image - Next
    • Adding more hardware
    1. Download skin
    2. Unzip in Android Studio > plugins > android > lib > device-art-resources
    3. New Hardware Profile -> add appropriate device name, screen size, resolution, RAM
    4. Scroll down and set Default skin folder to the ones you downloaded.
    5. Finish
  4. Change Graphics –> Hardware - GLES 2.0 for faster rendering –> Finish

    This is the screen when you are done with emulator setup
  5. From initial Android Studio : Create New Flutter Project - Flutter Application - Next
  6. If Flutter SDK path is empty: put flutter path (e.g. D:\src\flutter) - Next - Finish
  7. Choose virtual machine and run (shift + F10) (It take some time for the first run)
  8. We will work on main.dart 99% of the time.
  9. If you want to re-run press cntl + shift + \