Shortest Path Algorithm
- more frequent in finding shortest length than finding all path
- Many ways to question
- one to one (Very frequent) -> Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford
- one to every (not frequent)
- every to every (frequent) -> Floyed-Warshall
Dijkstra algo.
- One node to every node
- Greedy: Select unvisited node w/ min. cost in every step.
- Path must be always positive length (in oppose to B1ellman-Ford)
- Processed node in each step must be set as final -> Assure shortest path for one node in each step.
- Must check every element in shortest path table in each step to select shortest path node using priority queue (min heap q)
- Total complexity: O(E log V)
- Set start node
- Init shortest path table w/ INF
- Select shortest path node among unvisited nodes
- Calculate cost from selected node toward another node and set shortest path table.
- repeat 3, 4
Using heapq
import heapq
def heapsort(iterable):
h = []
result = []
for v in iterable:
heapq.heappush(h, value)
for i in range(len(h)):
return result
result = heapsort([1, 5, 2, 4, 3])
src code: Dijkstra
Floyed-Warshall algo.
- Every node to Every node
- DP: D_ab = min(D_ab, D_ai + D_ib)
- Use 2D table to store shortest path
- Count every path through certain node in each step. -> Save all shortest path in 2D list
- Permutation(V-1, 2) calculations for each step
- For each node, search every node(3 nested loops): O(N^3) –> # of V, E must be very small
e.g.) a to b path through i:
D23 = min(D_23, D_2i + D_i3)
D24 = min(D_24, D_2i + D_i4)
D32 = min(D_32, D_3i + D_i2)
D34 = min(D_34, D_3i + D_i4)
D42 = min(D_42, D_4i + D_i2)
D43 = min(D_43, D_4i + D_i3)
src code: Floyed-Warshall
Bellman-Ford algo.
- One node to every node
- Path can be negative length
No cycle -> max |
V |
-1 edges |
- Repeat until there’s no nodes to update min distance.
- If updating w/ infinite negative cost (negative cycle), escape loop
src code: Bellman-Ford
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
- Travel all nodes only once and return to start node w/ lowest cost.
- Hamiltonian Cycle: Find if there exist a tour that visits every city exactly once
- TSP: Finding minimum weight Hamiltonian Cycle.
- Naive
- Consider city 1 as the starting and ending point. Since the route is cyclic, we can consider any point as a starting point.
- Generate all (n-1)! permutations of cities.
- Calculate the cost of every permutation and keep track of the minimum cost permutation.
- Return the permutation with minimum cost.
- Using Backtracking
- Consider city 1 as the starting and ending point. Since the route is cyclic, we can consider any point as starting point.
- Start traversing from the source to its adjacent nodes in dfs manner.
- Calculate cost of every traversal and keep track of minimum cost and keep on updating the value of minimum cost stored value.
- Return the permutation with minimum cost.
src code: TSP
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
Spanning tree: Partial graph that includes all nodes w/o cycle
Graph |
Tree |
Direction |
Directed/Undirected |
Directed |
Cycle |
Cyclic/Acyclic |
Acyclic |
Root node |
X |
O |
nodal relation |
none |
parent/child |
model |
network |
hierchy |
Kruskal’s algo
- GREEDY algo
- Disjoint: sets w/o any common element (e.g. {1,2,4,6} and {3,5})
- Union-Find algo: Find root node
O(E log E)
- Steps:
- Sort all edges
- Include in set beginning from shortest edge
- If cycle occurs, do not include in set
- repeat 2 for all edges.
Primm’s algo
DAG (Topological Sort)