Spring4 01

1 분 소요


Language: Java**, HTML, JavaScript, JSP(Servelet) Spring: JSP 를 wrapping 해 놓은것 Env:

  1. Java SE 8 JDK

  2. Apache tomcat 9

  3. Eclipse Enterprise

Web Overview


HTML (hyprt text markup language)

Web app architecture

Frontend: JS + framework(jquery, vue.js, react, angular, …) Backend: JSP + framework(Spring), PHP, Node.js, (Python(Flask, Django)) html


smartphone: Webkit (open source) IE9 - Trident Chrome, Safari - Webkit

http protocol structure

HTML Request: Web client (Browser) -> request (header + body) -> Web server HTML Response: Web server -> resopnse -> Web client

Static web: Response HTML already made in webserver Dynamic web: Make and response new html from requeseted jsp

Browser structure

Loading - Parsing - (JS:DOM) - Producing a render tree - Style resolution - Layout - (CSS) - Painting

  • Browser elements

┌┬ User interface │├> Browser engine -> DB │├>Rendering engine └└>Communication | JS interpreter | UI Backend

get: no body post: have body


Window - preference - [encod] - UTF-8 Window - preference - [brows] - external browser - chrome Stop tomcat in background

run : cntl + F11

Port 충돌 에러: servers탭 (Window-Show View-Servers) -> PORT 변경


<% %> // JSP comment: do not show in src view
<!-- --> // HTML comment: show in src view
<% %> // Java comment: // one line, /* */ multi line


commnet: cntl + shit + /

target=”_self” -> open in current tab traget=”_blank” -> open in new tab



servlet : html making is hard jsp: make html easy but maintenence hard (code + tag)

Model: Data Control: servelet: code only View: jsp: view only -> jstl to use only tag


MVC 구조로 개발의 편리성 극대화한 framework

